• Water Hardness New Mexico


    The New Mexico Water Hardness data presented in this chart has all been verified by Aquatell directly from primary sources. Typically, this means we found the data on municipal water reports or we emailed or talked with municipal officials from the public utilities department.

    If the water hardness data from your city is missing from this list please contact us and let us know. We can typically track down the info and add it to our chart in about a week.

    If you're looking to reduce your water hardness level, have a look at a professional-grade water softener. Here are the water hardness values for the cities and towns in New Mexico:

    City AVG Hardness PPM / mg/L AVG Hardness Grains per Gallon
    Alamoarodo 395 23
    Albuquerque 120 7
    Anthony 215 13
    Artesia 380 22
    Aztec 260 15
    Belen 302 18
    Bernalillo 319 19
    Bloomfield 250 15
    Carlsbad 307 18
    Chaparral 230 13
    Clovis 262 15
    Deming 320 19
    Edgewood 232 14
    Espanola 320 19
    Farmington 257 15
    Gallup 232 14
    Grants 337 20
    Hobbs 344 20
    Las Cruces 140 8
    Los Almos 165 9
    Los Lunas 219 17
    Lovington 290 17
    Portales 380 22
    Rio Rancho 150 9
    Roswell 410 24
    Santa Fe 176.5 10.3
    Shiprock 335 20
    Silver City 218 13
    Sunland Park 280 16
    Taos 296 17