Remove Giardia from Drinking Water
Protect your water from Giardia using a UV System such as the TrojanUVMax
Water does not only constitute a big part of our body, but it also surrounds the world. This is why it is very easy for harmful chemicals and organisms to be transmitted among living things. Human activities contribute to the increase of harmful substances that can cause several health problems to both man and animals. The quality of water we consume should always be of utmost importance in order to avoid health complications. Contaminants in the water are removed by purifying the water gathered from water sources. The harmful substances in the untreated water are removed in the process. Reports show that in the US, tap water available is not always safe to drink. It is therefore vital for every person to know more about the possible contaminants in the water. One of which is an organism called Giardia intestinalis which causes diarrhea, headaches, fever and vomiting.
Giardia thrives in the intestines of mammals and multiplies there. It is then released in the form of stools. One of the easiest ways it is passed to other humans is through water. Rain or snow can wash them out into the groundwater and other water sources. Often, runoff water from animal farms and human sewage which are dumped into rivers are sources of contamination. It can only be passed to another by getting in any contact with an infected person. Giardia is incubated one to two weeks after contact and its symptoms can lasts up to a month. Some of the symptoms include diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, headache and fever. There have been no documented reports of any other serious problems cause by giardiasis. It usually fades even without treatment within a month, but antibiotics may also help remove the symptoms. People who are at a higher risk of being infected by giardia are childcare workers, backpackers and campers who drink untreated water, people who swim in recreational waters, people who drink from shallow wells and parents of infected children.
Bear in mind that giardia is passed by humans and animals alike to other mammals. It is usually transmitted through water. Infected individuals release giardia in the form of stools. Rain may wash out contaminated stools of animals for example, to various water sources nearby. If consumed, it may cause giardiasis wherein the person suffers diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, headeaches and fevers that last up to a month. Giardia can be released by an infected individual through the form of stool. Frequent sanitation is important to avoid giardiasis. It is also important to make sure that the water you consume is well-treated, if not boiled.